Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You won't find this in your E-reader

Today, I picked up a book I had on hold at the library. I was flipping through the pages, and found this:

And (even better) the other side of this hand-crafted note:



  1. How cute! My son found a rather girlie bookmark in a book at the library the other day, but he didn't want it. :)

  2. Freaking superb, Kim. Thank you SO much for posting this!

  3. Perfect :) I will never be converted to e-readers.

  4. I am sorry to be so uncultured, but is that a lima bean falling in love with a snail shell?

  5. Wow, that's a start of a great story right there! Beautiful! :)

  6. Hi, sorry, new blog stalker here. I can't help but wonder...what book did you find that in? Was it your own book or one from a library? I love stuff like that. I found a love letter in an old textbook once. It was incredible - and a little sad since it made its way to me and not the object of the writer's love. Anyway, thanks!

  7. My dearest Kimmie, will you please email me your email or phone # so we can communicate in a form other than blog comments?? I have questions about a literary agent and a girls night out, while they don't have anything to do with each other I suppose they could!! Love Marci marcitrix at yahoo dot com

  8. I wondered where I'd left that. Glad you found it. Please send it back.

  9. LOL, Curtis!
    I bet that just broke the heart of some cute 16 yo girl who was rummaging her backpack for days trying to figure out where her card from the guy in biology class went.

  10. My girl and I were reading this post together, and she said, "That's Loser's Guide!"

    Indeed it was. And oh, we love that book.

  11. You are so right! Does this possibly belong to your daughter? Because that would just be too serendipitous :)

  12. So maybe I should reconsider the "Kindle Fire" coming out in Nov. That is adorble!
